Posted on 11/29/2021
A properly functioning vehicle is a result of your engine's multiple, closely-held parts working harmoniously and effectively. If there is any flaw in the engine operation, your car's performance will decline. An engine misfire is one of the many issues arising due to poor engine performance. The Basics On How Your Engine Works To understand the ins and outs of a misfiring engine, you must understand the standard processes of a car engine. Most modern cars run on a 4-stroke combustion cycle. The four steps are: Intake - Upward displacement of pistons to allow the air and gas inside the cylinder. Compression - A mixture of gas and air is compressed together. Combustion- The air and fuel are ignited to push the piston and produce bursts of power. Exhaust - An ejection of engine byproducts is produced from the combustion process in the form of gases. A repetition of these steps results in the engine power of your car, SUV, or truck. The power is carried to your wheel ... read more
Posted on 10/28/2021
Doesn't it always seem like gas prices are constantly increasing? Some of us might be pinching our pennies at the fuel station. To help ease the strain on your wallet, we've put together a list of things to do (and not do) to get the best gas mileage. These are our top 5 tips on how to save some money on gasoline: Go easy on the gas. Research has shown that aggressive driving, including rapid acceleration, cruising at high speeds, and braking abruptly is the most significant culprit in excessive gas-guzzling. We advise you to take things slowly. That way, you can maintain a gas-friendly and safe speed! And when driving on the highway, remember to use cruise control. Don't lug heavy items around. We highly advise against storing too many items in your car, especially the bulky, heavy ones. The more things you bring with you, the more fuel your vehicle is going to burn. Don't use premium unless your car demands it. A common mistake that drivers make is putt ... read more
Posted on 9/28/2021
Whether you drive a brand new Mercedes, a vintage BMW, or a sporty Ferrari in Arlington, TX, your European vehicle is a finely crafted piece of machinery. With such a high-quality car, does it only take the dealership to take care of it? Let's go over three common myths about European vehicles and how they can be affecting your time, wallet, and choices. Myth 1: You have to go to the dealership for every service. The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act states that you don't need to take your vehicle to the dealer for routine maintenance to maintain a warranty. The dealer can't void the contract with consumers as long as the maintenance is done on time. Specialty shops like ours care for your car just as much (if not more) than the dealership, and we are here to protect your investment. Euro Car Tech provides higher quality service and price! Myth 2: All European vehicles need premium fuel to run at peak performance. People often associate premium fuel with better gas mil ... read more
Posted on 8/30/2021
Even though we're nearing the end of summer, it is still piping hot in Arlington, TX. And we can guarantee that you wouldn't be too happy to cruise around the city without air conditioning in your cars. If you attempt to turn on your A/C and no air flows out, or maybe only warm/hot air blows out, then you should have the problem assessed and fixed promptly. The A/C system is more complex than you may believe. It involves the workings of multiple parts, and consequently, the malfunction of any of its components can corrupt the entire A/C system. Here are some of the most widespread causes of A/C failure that we've seen and repaired at Euro Car Tech: Refrigerant leak Failing compressor Aged refrigerant hoses Mold or mildew buildup Faulty cooling fan Broken seal or hose To prevent your air conditioning from breaking down suddenly, you should have your vehicle inspected seasonally by our expert team. Routine inspections of your HVAC system will allow ... read more
Posted on 7/29/2021
The exhaust system encompasses more than just the tailpipe. The muffler is also included in the exhaust system, and as its name suggests, it is in place to 'muffle' or dampen the powerful sounds that your car makes. Without the muffler, your car's engine will be pretty loud and obnoxious. Engines need to generate a substantial amount of power, and, as a result, they create various sounds that echo through the exhaust pipe. The purpose of the muffler in the exhaust system is to reduce the sounds that the engine makes. There are many vehicles, including motorcycles, in every town that may be cruising around without mufflers on their exhausts. Those individuals are probably among the drivers who choose to go without a damper. "Why would anyone choose to go without a muffler" you might ask. Some people believe that removing the muffler gives the car more power and speed, but this is a common misconception. Other people might also remove their m ... read more