Posted on 5/29/2024

Keeping your car’s air conditioning (AC) system in top-notch condition is crucial, especially during the sweltering summer months in Texas. Many drivers, however, overlook the importance of regular maintenance for their car’s AC system. This article explores why you should vacuum and recharge your car’s AC system, highlighting the benefits and the steps involved in this procedure. The Basics of The AC System in Your Car Before discussing the vacuum and recharge process, it’s necessary to understand how your car’s AC system works. The AC system comprises several key components, including the compressor, condenser, evaporator, and refrigerant. The refrigerant circulates through the system, absorbing heat from the car’s interior and releasing it outside, thus cooling the air inside your vehicle. The Role of Vacuuming in AC Maintenance A critical step in maintaining your car’s AC system is vacuuming. Vacuuming ... read more